One of the most important features of Eco Cast is the Presentation view. This feature allows you to send a link of your Eco Cast, with your selected Actors and their attached self-taped auditions, to a client or collaborator.
How to Share Auditions with Clients
1) Login to your account, go to the "Eco Casts" drop down menu, and select "My Eco Casts." Follow this link for instructions on how to create an Eco Cast.
2) All of your current Eco Cast projects will be listed in the "My Eco Cast" page. Click the title to enter the Eco Cast.
3) To view the Default Presentation before sending it, select "Preview Presentation."
This will allow you to view the Default Presentation link and see what your clients will see once you share it with them. The recipients of your links will click an Actor’s picture to watch their audition. For more on how they watch auditions and leave feedback, click here.
Note: The Default Presentation will contain all your Actors in the Eco Cast and cannot be deleted. To learn more about Custom Presentations, scroll down to "How to Share Custom Presentations."
The default for the Eco Cast view will be by role, but if you have used Eco Cast Desktop and recorded group auditions, it will display by group and the videos play back in a slightly different way.
Each group can have a group picture displayed in the top right. First, the client will click one of the Actors in the group.

The group photos and auditions display in the top section and the first clip starts playing automatically. Any unique videos for each Actor display in the lower section. Individual videos for each Actor in the group, including their slates, will play first. Then the group auditions will play once, no matter how many Actors are in the group.

4) Next, you can select "Settings" to modify the page to be viewed by your clients.
In this tab, you can make changes to the default settings of the Presentation. To change the default settings, check or uncheck the boxes below.
- To adjust how the Actors display in the Presentation, click "Default Filter." Choose "By Role," "By Group," or "By Actor." Your client will be able to change their view, but this sets their default view.
- In the "Description" line, you can add details about the Presentation.
- The "Show size card" option will display Actors' size cards if they are available. "Show created and updated dates" will display on the day that the Presentation was created and the date it was last updated. Check "Allow filtering 'By Group'" if you want your client to have the option to see the Presentation by Group .
- "Casting Notes" will show any notes that you have made about each Actor in that Eco Cast.
- Check the "Show only Actors with media" setting to filter only Actors that have submitted media in the Presentation. The "Allow downloading of media" setting allows clients to download videos from the Presentation.
- "Print Log Settings" will toggle what information to make visible on the Print Log, or to exclude it.
- If you would like to receive feedback on the Actors from your client, check the "Feedback Settings" options. "Allow Collaborators to leave feedback" gives recipients the option to enter feedback or comments and "Allow Collaborators to see each other's feedback" allows recipients to view each others' feedback.
- A security feature of the client link is the "Password" setting. Add a password to the fields to protect your Presentation.
- You can also select a date for your Presentation to expire through the "Expiration Date" box. Or, you can copy and paste the "External Link" to share with those outside the website, or create a "Custom URL" if you'd like to replace the last randomly generated six digits at the end of the External Link.
Note: If you share the Presentation via External Link or Custom URL, the recipient will not be able to submit feedback by those means.
Be sure to click "Save" when you have completed your changes.
5) Select "View Print Log" on the left side of the Presentation, to create a hard copy of your Eco Cast or export your list of Actors to an Excel Spreadsheet.
Note: This option is only available if you have checked "Include Print Log" in the Settings.
Select "Print" to print out a hard copy of the Presentation. To transfer your list of Actors to an Excel spreadsheet, click "Export".
6) To send the Presentation to your client, click "Share" at the top right of the page. Emails used previously are saved to your account and can be used again on any Presentation. Click the "Add from Contacts" drop-down menu to use those saved emails again.
Otherwise, enter an email address and an Alias Name (optional), then click the Plus symbol to create a new recipient. If you do not input an Alias Name, the client's email address will display for any feedback given.
Provide a message in the message field, and once you are ready to send the message and link, click "Send".
Note: In order to have users' comment feedback on your Presentation, you must share it with them this way.
How to Share Custom Presentations
If you want to create a Presentation with just selected Actors, or a specific number of Actors, you can create a "Custom Presentation." There are two ways to create and send custom Presentations:
1) Go to the "Attached Actors" tab. Select the actors you wish to include in the Presentation by clicking on the checkmarks next to their names. Once you have selected the Actor(s), select "Create Presentation" in the "With Selected" box.
2) Title the Presentation, then select "Continue."
3) In the "Presentations" tab, you will find the list of your Presentations. Click the title of the Presentation to open the Presentation.
The second option is to create the custom Presentation from within the Default Presentation.
1) Click "Menu" and select "Create New."
2) Enter a title for the Presentation. You can also copy the feedback from a previous Presentation into the custom Presentation.
3) Then select the Actors to add to the Presentation and click "Done." The Actors will be added to your custom Presentation.
4) In the "Menu" button, you will be able to "Reorder Actors" in the Presentation, and "Add Actors" to any of your custom Presentations. You will only be able to add Actors from the Default Presentation. In addition, you can "Remove Actors" and "Duplicate Presentation."
5) To delete a custom Presentation, go to the Presentations tab and click the trash can icon.
Note: If you need to create a Presentation with your selected Actors from multiple Eco Casts, you can use the Clipboard to copy and paste Actors and put them together in an Eco Cast. To learn more about copying and pasting Actors, go to this article.