Through Eco Cast, you can request Actors to submit self-tape auditions. To invite Actors to submit self-tape auditions, follow one of these three options: 

Option #1 - Invite From Eco Cast

1) Log in to your account, go to the "Eco Cast" drop-down menu, and select "My Eco Cast." 

If you have not yet created an Eco Cast, see How to Create and Navigate Eco Casts for further instructions.

2) The "My Eco Cast" page lists all your current Eco Casts. Click the title to open the Eco Cast you are looking for.

3) This is the “Attached Actors” page. To select Actors, you can use the number system by checking off the number assigned to the Actors you would like to select. These are the numbers that were assigned to Actors on the Submissions page. For more on marking your submissions with select numbers, click hereYou can also use the "Select all actors" button to select all Actors that have been added to this Eco Cast. If you would like to select individual Actors, click on the checkmark next to their names. You will know an Actor has been selected when their checkmark turns red. 

Click on "Create Invitation” to start drafting your self-tape invitation– this button is located in the "With Selected" section.

4) After selecting "Create Invitation", a page will open for you to edit and customize the invitation that will be sent out to Actors and Talent Representatives. Fill in all required fields.

  • "Internal Label" - Create an internal label that is useful to you. Many Casting Directors choose the same title they used to create the Eco Cast.

  • "Instructions" -  This is for any instructions or information you would like Actors to know before they submit their self-tapes. You can add information on where to find sides, what you would like the frame to be, or any other information you feel will be helpful for Actors to know.

    Please note, the "subject", "from", and "to" lines are pre-populated. While the "subject" is still editable, the "to" and "from" are not. Actors will not be able to see any names of recipients aside from their own.

  • "Deadline" - Enter the deadline for this invitation. Once the deadline has passed, Actors will no longer be able to submit self-tapes. Deadlines will automatically adjust for different time zones, adjusting for the time zone on the user's device.

  • "Submission Notes" - By default, your invitation will be set to allow Actors and Talent Representatives to send notes with submissions. You can turn this feature off here if you so wish.

  • "Attached Files" - Here you can attach any files you want Actors to have before creating their self-tapes by clicking on the "Add" button next to the corresponding role name. This is most commonly used for sides or NDAs, but photos, audio, and video files are also supported. Also any files uploaded to the role will be available to be included here by checking the box next to the file name. Please note that the sides will only be sent to invited Actors once you have sent out your invitation. 

5) If you have chosen to include sides, please make sure that the check-box next to the file name of the sides is checked. Otherwise, the sides will not be sent. Then click on "Send Eco Cast Invitation" to send the invite to Actors, or their submitting Talent Representatives. You can click on the "..." button to manage each file and enable security features if you choose to do so. 

Option #2 - Invite from Submissions


1) To invite an Actor to submit a self-tape from your submissions, navigate to the submissions page for the role you want to audition. Once on the page, click the checkmark below the Actor(s) you want to invite; then select "Invite to Self Tape" from the menu on the left.

 2) You can create a new Eco Cast or add the Actor(s) to an existing Eco Cast. 

2a) To create a new Eco Cast, select "Create Eco Cast," title the Eco Cast and click "Create Eco Cast." Once you select "Create Eco Cast," the next step will be to create the invitation. 

Complete the form, scroll down, and if you would like to include sides, please make sure the check-box is checked. Then select "Send Eco Cast Invitation" at the bottom of the window.

2b) When adding to an existing Eco Cast, select "Existing Eco Cast," enter the title of the Eco Cast and click on the empty title bar to view your existing Eco Casts. Select the one you want. You can “Add to Existing Invitation” which means the Actor(s) will receive the same invitation previously sent. You also have the option to “Create A New Invitation” which will allow you to send a different invitation to this Actor(s).

Sending a different invitation is a good option if you want your new Actor(s) to read different sides, or use an accent, etc.

When you click "Add to Existing Invitation," you have the ability to change the deadline. If the deadline has already passed you must create a new deadline.  Click "Add Actors to Invitation" when you're ready to send it out.

Option #3 - Invite from Schedule

1) If an Actor cannot make it to your scheduled Eco Cast Live or In-Person audition, it's very easy to invite them to self-tape from a schedule. 

Open your schedule by going to the "Schedules" drop-down menu at the top of your page and then selecting "View Calendar". Select the scheduled audition from the calendar view. For more information on creating schedules, click here.

Once on the schedule page, click on "Review Schedule." On the left, you will see the "Working Schedule" column. Select the Actor(s) by clicking the "Self-Tape" button. You can select one or multiple Actors this way. Scroll back up to the top of the page and click "Invite to Self Tape." This button will indicate how many Actors you have selected.

2) You can choose to create a new Eco Cast or invite the Actor(s) to an existing Eco Cast. See Step 2 under "Inviting From Submissions" above for more details on these steps.

How to Update an Existing Eco Cast Invitation

If you need to update an existing Eco Cast invitation, go to the "My Eco Casts" page, and click on the title of the Eco Cast you want to update.

1) Once on the Eco Cast page you would like to edit, click on the "Eco Cast Invitations" tab.

2) From here you can review and edit your invitation.  

On the left-hand side, you can adjust the instructions, change whether or not Actors and Talent Representatives can add submission notes, or set a new deadline.

Please note, you will need to click the "Update Invitation" button when any adjustments to these fields have been made in order for it to be reflected in the invitations that have been sent out.

On the right-hand side, you will see the Actor(s) you have sent the invitation to as well as their statuses.

  • "Invited" - The invitation has been sent but has not been opened.
  • "Not Confirmed" - The invitation has been opened, but the Actor has not yet confirmed.
  • "Confirmed" - The Actor has opened the invitation and confirmed that they intend to submit audition media.
  • "Submitted" - The Actor has sent in their audition media and it is available in the Eco Cast for you to review.
  • "Declined" - The Actor has opened the invitation and declined to submit. Their reasoning will be listed in the Eco Cast for you to review.

You can also use the "Send a follow-up message" button to send a cMail to all Actor(s) listed on this invitation. The "Add selected to invitation" will send the invitation to any Actor(s) you have checked off in the Eco Cast.

3) To add additional sides or other media references to the invitation, select the "Add" button underneath the corresponding role name and choose the file you wish to upload. If you wish to remove sides from an invitation, click the "..." button next to the corresponding file and choose "Delete." In order to include your sides, make sure each file has their check-box checked. Then click on "Update Invitation." 

4) You will then be asked to choose between “Send Notification” or “Set As Already Notified” when the pop-up window appears. Choosing "Send Notification" will alert any of the invited Actors or Talent Representatives of the changes/updates to the invitation. Choosing "Set As Already Notified" will not alert them, but the change(s) will still appear on their invitation.

Next Steps: