Need to contact an Actor?

If you would like to message an Actor with a question or if you would like to officially offer an Actor a role, you can send them a cMail message. cMail is an internal messaging system designed for users of Breakdown Express for keeping communication within the site.  

Please Note: Using CMail to advertise, request personal contact information from Actors, request self tapes to an email address, or direct Actors to third party services will result in your access to being terminated. 

Sending a Basic Message

1a) On your role's submissions page, select one of the blue icons under the photo of the Actor to whom you would like to send a message. 

In the Actor's resume pop-up window, select the "Send cMail" button in the upper right corner. 

1b) You can also select an actor you would like to message by clicking the checkbox below the actor's name. If you would like to send a group message, you may select multiple checkboxes.

 Next, go to the left sidebar and select the "Message" button located in the "Checked" drop-down section.

2) Select the "Basic Message" template. 

3) In the Subject line, enter the subject of your cMail and compose your message in the Message Box. If you would like your recipients to have the ability to respond to your message, check the "Allow all recipients to reply" checkbox and then select "Send Message".

Note: Recipients Do Not see the names of the other recipients. 

How to Send a Size Card Request

Did an Actor forget to include a size card when submitting for the role? You can send them a special kind of cMail requesting they add it to their submission.

1) Follow Steps 1 & 2 from the previous section and then select "Size Card Request" on the template page. 

2) Selecting the Size Card Request template will automatically fill in the subject line and message body. Include any additional notes you would like to add to the message body and then select "Send Message".

3) Once you've sent the Size Card request, you should receive a response from the recipient letting you know that they have attached his or her size card to their submission. To view the size card, select the Actor's resume icon  in the role's submissions page.

4) Next, select the "Size Card" tab. You'll be able to view the Actor's sizes, measurements and any other additional details they have listed for you. 

Next Steps: