In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage your client roster, where to go when adjusting status on your clients, and other features within the roster.
Managing Your Roster
1) To view and manage your roster, click Clients and then Manage Clients at the top of the page.
2) Select the Actor(s) you want to make changes to by clicking the check-boxes next to their name. You can also search for Actor(s) by inputting their first and/or last name into the search bar and then clicking on the Search button. Once you have made your selection, you can see how many Actor(s) are selected by looking at the number in parentheses on the Deselect Clients button. You can click Deselect Clients to reset your selection.
Please note that we do not have an option to search by a client’s middle name.
3) Click the With Selected, drop-down menu to access actions you would like to take for your roster. You can categorize talent by folders, send Actor profiles through email, send a cMail message to Actors, manage their booking out/availability status, remove the Actor from your roster, etc.
- Add to Folder: To add a client to a specific folder, select Add to Folder, within the With Selected drop-down menu. In this feature, you can opt to Create New Folder or select ones that you already have chosen. If you are adding a client to an existing folder, make sure you click the check-box next to the folder name and then click on the Add to Selected Folders button. Folders can be used to quickly filter your roster before submitting them for roles on a Breakdown.
- Send Actor Profiles via Email: To email your client's pictures, videos, and resume to Casting or other recipients, select the Send Actor Profiles via Email option on the With Selected drop-down menu. Click the Add Recipients button at the bottom and then fill out the email template just like you would with a normal email. You even have the option of having a confirmation email sent to yourself.
- Send CMail to Actors: This feature allows you to directly message your clients using CMail, our exclusive, in-site messaging service. You can choose to allow for replies by checking the box next to Allow All Recipients to Reply, or you may uncheck this box to disable replies as well. While cMail messages can only be read from within our website, your client will receive an email notifying them that they have a new cMail message in their Actors Access profile inbox.
- Book Out: To mark an Actor as "booked out," select the Book Out option on the With Selected drop-down menu. Once selected, their name will appear with "Booked Out" in parentheses next to their name. To undo this action, choose Make Active in the With Selected menu. This will return them to your active roster list.
Note: This indicator is for your organizational purposes only and will not be seen by casting.
- Remove from Roster: To remove a client from your roster, make sure you have marked the check-box next to the Actor's name. Then select Remove from Roster in the With Selected drop-down menu. If you would like to remove a client from your specific roster, but keep the client within the company roster, then you may select Remove from My Clients."
Please note: The Remove from My Clients feature is not available to all users, please reference How to Manage Unique Rosters for Individual Logins for more information.
To view your removed clients, select Removed Clients in the search menu. This will show you a list of all the clients that were removed/marked as inactive within your database.
- Add to My Clients: To add a client to your specific roster, select the check-box next to the client's name, then in the With Selected drop down menu, choose Add to My Clients. Now this client will be on your personal roster.
Please note: The Add to My Clients feature is not available to all users, please reference How to Manage Unique Rosters for Individual Logins for more information.

- Make Active: To make a client active again, select the check-box next to their name, then in the With Selected drop down menu, choose Make Active. Your removed client will now reappear on your roster.
Next Steps: