Now that you’ve sent out your Eco Cast Self-tape Invitations, you will want to review the media sent in by Actors. If you want more information on how to send out Eco Cast Self-tape Invitations, you can find it here.

How to View Eco Cast Self-tape Auditions

1) Log in to your account, go to the "Eco Casts" drop-down menu, and select "My Eco Casts". All of your current Eco Casts are listed here on the "My Eco Casts” page. Click on the title of the project you want to review.

2) Your Eco Cast will open to the "Attached Actors" tab. Here, you will be able to scroll through a list of the Actors previously added to your Eco Cast. Any Actor who has submitted media will have a black camera icon next to their name. Click on the Actor's name to open their detailed view on the right. In their detailed view, you will see a thumbnail of their submitted media. Double click the thumbnail to open the file. 

 If you only want to view Actors with media, scroll up to the "Filters" area. In addition to filtering your list for Actors with or without media, you can also filter by submitting "Agency", "Role", "Feedback", Eco Cast Status ("Invited", "Not Confirmed",  "Confirmed", "Submitted", or "Declined") or whether you have rated or viewed their media.

3) If you would like to upload your own media to the Actor, click on "add media". You can also make other changes, such as adding existing performance media, changing the Actor’s display photo, or changing the Actor’s role or group, by clicking on "edit actor".

A menu will pop-up offering various options. For more information on these options, read our How to Create and Navigate Eco Casts help article.

The "casting notes" field allows you to make internal notes about the Actor. Keep in mind that the Actors or Talent Representatives will not see your notes; however, you can choose to add your notes in a Presentation you can share with your Collaborators. Once added, these notes will appear under the Actor's headshot in their detailed view.

4) Once you have viewed the video submission, you can select the "A, B, C, or viewed" in the Actor's detailed view to rate and keep track of your audition submissions. 

5) If you would like to include the Actor's performance media or demo reel in your Eco Cast, click the Orange Camera icon in the “Media” window.

This will bring up the Performance Media window, where you can select clips and reels that the Actor has already added to their Actors Access profile. Once you have clicked the “Include Selected” button, these clips will appear with the Actor’s submitted media.


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