When you are no longer seeking submissions and auditions for a Breakdown, you can archive it. Once a Breakdown is archived, Talent Representatives and Actors will not be able to submit to roles in it, and all sides and scripts attached to that specific Breakdown will be deleted. Scheduled auditions will stay in place, but you will not be able to schedule any new auditions.
Archiving a Breakdown
Click on the Breakdown you want to archive.
Click the setting gear icon on the top right corner of the table.
Click Archive Breakdown.
Click OK on the warning pop-up window.
Unarchiving a Breakdown
If you accidentally archived a Breakdown
Hover over the Projects tab in the toolbar.
Click Archived.
Click on the return icon ( ) to restore your archived Breakdown.
Your Breakdown will be returned to its original place in your Projects main page, and all sides and audition materials included in that Breakdown will be restored.
Note: Although archiving Breakdowns will prohibit Actors and Talent Representatives from submitting to roles on the Breakdown, it will not hide the Breakdown from their view on their Breakdowns page.
You will still be able to access previous submissions to the Archived Breakdown, but Talent Representatives and Actors will not be able to send any new submissions.
Breakdowns become hidden from Actors and Talent Representatives once they have expired.