In this article, you will learn how to respond to in-person audition notifications for your clients. When a Casting Director requests to audition an Actor, you will receive a CMail regarding the appointment information.

Responding to The Schedule

1) First, visit the Auditions tab at the top of the page.

Note: An alternative way of reaching the same page is to click the audition notice in your CMail inbox.

2) Here you can filter by Only Auditions assigned to me, Type, Status, Date Range, Talent Name, Project, Role, or Casting Director.

3) In the Audition Notice, you will be able to view the contents of the audition. This will include the address, parking information, sides, and any other instructions the Casting Director may have.

4) At the top of the page, click the Preview and Send All button to send the audition CMail to all your clients for them to view. Or, hit Preview and Send for an individual Actor. They will receive a notification of their audition in their Actors Access account, as well as an email alerting them to the message. They will also automatically receive any sides that were attached directly to the invitation. 

Note: When you forward the invitation, you can modify the audition instructions (or choose not to include them), add any notes, and modify any sort of details that were included with the invitation. However, you cannot modify the role or the role description. 

5) Once you are ready to send the invitation, click the Send button. 

Note: From their CMail notice, the client will have the ability to confirm the audition directly to Casting, but if they request a time change or decline the audition you will be notified first.

6) With Eco Cast Live Auditions, clients will need to have an Actors Access account. For those that don't currently have one, you'll be able to invite them to sign up for an account for free. 

Click the Invite to Actors Access button and then enter their email before forwarding. Once the client is registered, they automatically have access to the forwarded audition.

7) At the bottom of the page, you have three options in order to respond to the Casting Director:

  • ConfirmedYou're confirming the client's appointment time. If allowed by the Casting Director, response notes are optional.

  • Reschedule: This means you're requesting a time change within the schedule for your client. You're required to leave a note with this option to suggest alternate times. 

  • Decline: This means the Actor cannot make the audition or is passing on the project. You're required to leave a note as to why, or if you'd like to request a self-tape.

Note: Once you've made your choice, the Casting Director will be notified of your decision. You can undo a Confirmed choice, however if you choose Decline, or Reschedule, you cannot undo this.

After you've submitted your confirmation, a green check-mark will display next to the button to indicate your response.

Reassigning An Audition

If you need to move an audition invitation to another Representative within your Company, you will have the ability to reassign the audition.

  1. Select Reassign All to reassign the auditions for all clients, or select Reassign Audition Invitation to reassign an individual client’s audition.

2) A new window will open. Choose the Representative you wish to reassign the audition to from the dropdown menu, then select Reassign. 

Note: You will only be able to reassign auditions to Representatives that are associated with your company on Breakdown Express

Auditions that you have reassigned to another Representative at your company will now be disabled and read-only.

If you need to take back an audition that you have reassigned to another Representative; the other  Representative will need to follow the same steps to reassign the audition to you from their own account.

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