History of New Features for Actors

These are the latest software updates and improvements to the site. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: support@actorsaccess.com

Released 7/25/24

  • The Actors Access iOS App has been upgraded to include Eco Cast Live capabilities.

Released 6/27/24

  • The "no photo" image has been updated.

Released 6/26/24

  • The blue banner upsell in the UCart and in the non-Actors Access Plus, non-AMPTP submission modal has been updated, stating photos and videos are not included.
  • The styling in the Talent Representative "connect to roster" email has been updated.
  • The text about email-to-text on the Contact Information page under Secondary Email has been removed, and the associated link has been deprecated.
  • All Hair and Eye questions have been hidden in all places.
  • The Actors Access home page banners has been updated to the New Global Styles.
  • A banner has been added to the top of Manage Representation page informing Actors that the process has changed.
  • The "non-refundable" informational text on Talent Link sign up page and confirmation modal has been bolded.
  • iOS purchase information now backfills for future display on the Actors Access Order History page.

Released 6/5/24

  • The Prevents Actors using Safari MacOS devices are now prevented from joining Eco Cast Live sessions.
  • The "Willing to work non-union" question has been removed from the About Me page and all relevant display pages.
  • The old Add Representation page on Actors Access has been deprecated and now redirects to the new Manage Representation page.
  • Bug Fix:
    • The Manage My Profile option in the new header/footer no longer refreshes the homepage

Released 5/16/24

  • The text on the banner that appears at the top of the page for new users has been updated.
  • When an Actor responds to an emailed representation request, they will not see the merge validations steps.

Released 4/30/24

  • The text on Email Bounce Back Alerts have been updated.
  • The footer on the FAQ/Freshdesk page has been fixed.
  • Bug Fix:
    • The issue wherein the continue button on Photo Thumbnail Editor being inactive unless an edit was made to the photo has now been fixed.
    • The issue wherein an Actor was unable to upload photos has been fixed.
    • Long Eco Cast Invitations with multiple audition media files no longer push the Decline input off the page.
    • The html and formatting is no longer absent on "Validate Email" and "Reset Password" emails that are sent when an account was created through the backend.
    • Users can now log in if they had selected "13 or Older" on the Registration page.

Released 4/18/24

  • The Manage Representation page is updated to remove the button to Add Representation and add new sorting and classification User Interface.
  • A new email is sent to the Actors when a Talent Representative tries to add them as a client that directs the Actor to register or log in to create the link.
  • When an Actor is linking up to a Talent Representative via this new process, any merge protection warnings are bypassed because they are confusing and irrelevant in this case.

Released 4/16/24

  • Our new email style has been applied to the CMail notification emails.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Credit Card and CVV number fields in the cart no longer allow for letters and special characters.
    • The  History tab will no longer show "invalid date" for audition dates.
    • Corrected a layout issue in the Actors Access Plus upsell banner on the cart.

Released 3/14/24

  • The icon for the site formerly known as Twitter has been updated across Actors Access.
  • The Aircheck page has been deprecated and now redirects to the EditPlus website.
  • The button styles on the new Submission Modal when edited from the Cart has been updated.
  • The drop shadow from photo and media cards, as well as the Cancel button, has been updated on the new Submission Modal.
  • A max height of 200 pixels has been created with the scroll bar and text area drag option on the Submission Notes in the new Submission Modal.
  • An alert has been added to the Submission Modal and About Me pages if the SAG-AFTRA Verification site is down.
  • Bug Fix:
    • The error wherein the Show Kids Roles Only filter was overriding Breakdowns Fit for Me filters has been fixed.
    • The error wherein the cart was displaying $10/mo for Actors Access Plus has been fixed.

Released 2/28/24

  • The Countries dropdown on Contact Info page has been updated to better match current country names and passport regions.

Released 2/15/24

  • Bug Fix:
    • The new submission modal now automatically closes when the user clicks Add to Cart.

Released 2/13/24

  • When submitting on roles, the entire element (photo or video card) is now selectable instead of just the radio button or checkbox.

Released 2/6/24

  • The submission modal has a new look and new rules to accommodate free SAG-AFTRA submissions on AMPTP projects 
  • The upsell banner for Actors Access Plus has been updated on the My Account page and the Subscription cart.
  • An Actors Access Plus upsell has been added to the U-Cart.

Released 1/23/24

  • State/Province is now mandatory on the Contact Info page with a null state option when Actors save the page.
  • Postal Location options have been added to the Actors Access registration process.
  • The spelling on the Actors Access error message has been updated.
  • The spelling on the Actors Access Pending Eco Cast Due Soon banner has been updated.
  • Bug Fix:
    • The Status on new Auditions being displaying as Unconfirmed after Actor submitted for the Eco Cast and was removed has been fixed.
    • The error that all Actors' edits on a submission from the Cart and all previously included media becoming unchecked has been fixed.
    • The error that auditions being moved to the Archived Auditions page on Actors Access after a Casting Director cancels an Eco Cast invitation has been fixed.
    • Actors can now access Eco Cast invitations forwarded by their Talent Representatives.
    • The Role Cart no longer charges Actors with Actors Access Plus subscription for random role submissions.

Released 10/17/23

  • Any Extras Access logins are redirected to the Actors Access pre-login page with new informational pop-up.
  • The Email Size Card button is now hidden from the Actors Access Size Card page.

Released 9/28/23

  • Eco Cast nudge banners are redirected to the new Auditions Page.
  • The "Manager" option from the Southeast region on Talent Link has been removed.
  • The block against Microsoft email users has been removed.
  • Uploads in Eco Cast invitations are now displayed by the Casting Director's default order.

Released 9/20/23

  • For Actors in Eco Cast Live they can now hide their own camera from self-view while still broadcasting their video to others.
  • For Actors in Eco Cast Live there is a new Options modal allowing them to change their camera and audio inputs.

Released 9/5/23

  • The option to select all media for Actors Access submissions has been added.
  • Postal Code is now mandatory on the Actors Access Registration Page.
  • The "Sides" row from the Actors Access Comparison Matrix has been removed.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Eco Casts where the Talent Representative would NOT select Direct Submit when sending the invitation to the Actor, but would change it later now allow Actor videos to upload directly to the Casting Director.
    • The issue regarding non-standard aspect ratio photos being cropped when uploaded as audition media to Eco Cast has been fixed.

Released 8/23/23

  • New progress bars for Eco Cast self-tape uploads for Actors will look more like the sides progress bars.
  • Profile Photo Designation ensures that an Actor always has a Profile Photo. Profile Photo Designation is in the following order: Default Theatrical, Default Commercial, Last Uploaded.
  • Minor Trust Account and Child Work Permit information are hidden from displaying on Size Card.
  • My Tools page on Actors Access is no longer viewable.
  • Manage Profile page on Actors Access is no longer viewable.
  • Eco Cast Live button on Actors Access toolbar now links to new a Auditions Page.

Released 8/17/23

  • An indication of location and requirement of having a postal code has been added to the Talent Link sign up page.
  • Midwest has been added as an option for Talent Link.

Released 8/10/23

  • The Actors Access Pre-Login Projects Page will now be Responsive.
  • Actors can now filter the Breakdown list to hide "Real People" Breakdowns.
  • Actors can now turn off role notifications for Real People Breakdowns.
  • Actors can now opt out of Eco Cast Nudge emails.
  • The Text on the Eco Cast notification email has been updated to match the alert banners.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Media would go to the Talent Representative for review when the Talent Representative changes an Eco Cast invitation to Direct Submit while the Actor was uploading media.

Released 7/18/23

  • The FAQ question on breakdownservices.com regarding the Actors Access App has been updated to reflect the newer features.
  • The FAQ question on breakdownservices.com regarding the SAG/AFTRA discount has been updated for formatting

Released 6/22/23

  • Redirect post-login FAQ link was added to the footer to Freshdesk that sends the user to the knowledge base articles rather than the Breakdown Services FAQ.
  • A process was added wherein Actors who receive an invitation to join Actors Access from their Talent Rep will need to login and verify their account prior to merging an existing Actors Access account.
  • The option to filter out Student Films in Role Matching emails from the My Account page was added.
  • Bug Fix:
    • The issue wherein Expired Eco Casts were not appearing on new Archived Auditions Page has been fixed.
    • The Deactivate Custom Link checkbox for Actors has been fixed.

Released 5/30/23

  • A Copy Link Button has been added to the Custom Link Page.
  • A loading indicator has been added to the Casting History for Actors on all locations.
  • The text on the Eco Cast 24-hour nudge banner has been changed to "You have a Pending Eco Cast Audition that expires soon. Upload now!".
  • The text on the Eco Cast CMail notification has been updated.
  • New users are now restricted from registering with an existing email (the option to create a new account has been removed).
  • Bug Fix:
    • The Casting Director's name now appears on the modal when the Actor clicks on the History Icon.
    • The Time Change request emails from Actors will be from the noreply@ email address rather than the Actor's email address.

Released 5/9/23

  • The Auditions Page for Actors is updated with new designs and functionality.
  • Citizenship and Passport info are now hidden from displaying on the Size Card.
  • The text on the Eco Cast Attach Media page has been updated to reflect accurate video sizes.
  • The text on the Talent Link registration page has been updated.
  • The discounted rate has been removed for repeat Talent Link customers and changed so all Talent Link subscriptions will be the regular $35.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Actors can now update an email address if that email address is already in use in a deactivated/disabled account.
    • The Actors Access Register Page is now responsive.

Released 4/27/23

  • Actors will now be alerted when they have reached the text limit on a submission note.
  • A load indicator is added onto the Casting Directory History to let Actors know that information is loading.
  • Bug Fix:
    • History now appears in the Casting History modal link.
    • The Continue to Cart button is now activating and the role is now highlighting when the Actor is trying to submit on a Breakdown.

Released 4/13/23

  • Actors can now sign up for Talent Link in the Southeast region. The price is $35 ($20 discount), just like Los Angeles and New York, and follows all the same rules.

Released 4/4/23

  • The citizenship and passport questions from the Actors Access profile are now hidden.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Follow-up messages are no longer replacing invitation text for Actors.
    • The "18 or older..." box now saves on the first try.
    • Talent Representatives no longer display oddly when no Talent Representative type had been chosen.
    • The Casting Director History icon now appears with history visible on the modal.

Released 2/7/23

  • The text of the Actors Access Plus status on the My Account page has been changed from "Change Plan" to "Renew".
  • Bug Fix:
    • Eco Cast Nudge banners now reappear on new Eco Cast invitations.
    • Confirmed Only sides no longer appears as a broken link for Actors Access users.
    • Actor Audition invitations now load the invitation information along with follow up messages forwarded by Talent Representatives from Casting Directors.

    • Actors can now upload square videos as SlateShots.

    • The selected body type on the size card now retains and displays correctly when an Actor selects opposing gender options (both Woman and Man, or both Transgender Woman and Transgender Man) or Nonbinary.

    • Eco Cast image files with names that include # can now be viewed.

Released 1/20/23

  • Eco Cast Nudge emails will only be sent on the morning of the 48 hour window.
  • The 24 hour Eco Cast reminder email has been canceled.
  • An email will be sent to all AA+ auto-renew subscribers whose subscription is about to expire and who do not have any saved CC information in their AA account Membership Cart.
  • “Renew Today” AA+ Emails has been updated to change the button title to "Choose Subscription".
  • Bug Fix:
    • Advertisement containers are transparent, so smaller ads now appear without the container outline.

Released 1/13/23

  • Actors who have multiple genders selected that would require both traditional male and traditional female sizes to display on the size card can once again save their body type.
  • New role-matching rules have been applied to work with the new gender options on Breakdowns. Notifications are now one-to-one with the selections made on the Actor's profile.

Released 12/15/22 

  • Sides with the "Confirmed Only" security setting open and display correctly in the preview window when opened.
  • New language regarding our refund policy has been added to various places throughout the membership and cart interfaces.
  • Some text labeling has been updated on the My Account page.

Released 12/13/22 

  • The look and styling of Sides attached to auditions have been upgraded slightly.

Released 11/10/22 

  • The pre-login homepage of Actors Access has a new look.

Released 10/21/22 

  • The text in Eco Cast Nudge emails has been adjusted to read "... due soon" rather than provide a specific number of days.

Released 10/17/22 

  • Actors now have a sign-up form on Actors Access to register for Talent Link.
  • The Talent Link information page on breakdownservices.com now links to the sign-up form.
  • The layout and text of the Talent Link information page on breakdownservices.com has been updated.

Released 9/25/22 

  • There are now 5 options for Gender and the Actor can choose all that apply.
  • The available options on the Size Card have been updated to accommodate the new Transgender and Non Binary gender options.

Released 9/7/22 

  • Bug Fix: 
    • Actors can once again type into the email field on the Forgot Username page when using a mobile browser
    • Sides with the "confirmed only" security option will remain accessible even after the Talent Representative has requested a retake. 

Released 8/30/22 

  • In billing and account management, the "close and cancel" link has been renamed to just "close".
  • Actors Access accounts that have been disabled will no longer auto-renew Actors Access Plus.
  • Bug Fix:
    • When downloading secure sides, the file names are no longer being changed to random letters and numbers.
    • Reschedule notifications Cmails are no longer linking to the original schedule time.

Released 7/26/22 

  • Sides downloads will no longer trigger pop-up blockers.
  • Bug Fix:
    • The Eco Cast Live system test on Android devices will no longer indicate current browsers as "out of date".
    • The deadline set by a Talent Representative will once again restrict uploading of media on the Actor invitation.

Released 6/14/22 

  • Actors Access Plus renewal price displays with the SAG/AFTRA discount when relevant on the My Account page.
  • Any links or reference to the Blog have been removed.
  • Bug Fix:
    • When a charge in the cart is kicked back due to form entry errors, the postal code no longer needs to be re-typed.

Released 5/24/22 

  • The look and layout of the pre-login Open Call phas been updated.

Released 4/12/22 

  • Bug Fix:
    • Bug fixed regarding formatting of replies to size card requests.
    • A trigger causing CMail notifications to be sent to Actors when they don't actually have a CMail has been fixed.
    • The size card will now display a minor Actor's age based on the entire birthdate, not just the year.
    • Actors can no longer double-click the "send" button when replying to a forwarded Eco Cast. invitation which would cause the Talent Representative to get multiple CMails and notifications.
    • The size card tab of the tabbed profile will now load properly even when all photos are marked as "Other".

Released 4/7/22 

  • Adds the option for Casting Directors to upload and share sides and other instructional materials directly to all types of audition invitations.

Released 3/30/22 

  • Adds a recurring subscription model and a monthly option for Actors Access Plus.
  • Actors now have the option to save payment information for ala carte purchases.

Released 3/17/22 

  • Bug Fix: 
    • Actors Access users can now both have a birth date that is younger than 18 years and have the "Legally Emancipated" box checked, and when checked their age will not display to Casting. 

Released 3/4/22 

  • Bug Fix: 
    • Actors no longer need to have role matching emails turned on in order to get matched Breakdowns on the Actors Access app.

Released 2/9/22 

  • The address for our NY office has been updated.
  • Bug Fix:

    • The "Upload" button no longer displays on confirmed Eco Cast invitations after the deadline has passed.

Released 1/25/22 

  • The layout for the Actors Access Registration has a few small tweaks.
  • Bug Fix:
    • An issue causing submitted Eco Cast Invitations to appear as unsubmitted has been fixed.

Released 12/21/21 

  • The accents "Asian" and "Middle Eastern" have been removed from the Actor skills list.

Released 12/7/21 

  • When opening an Eco Cast Open Call link, any currently logged in Actors will no longer need to log in again.

Released 11/11/21 

  • Captcha has been added to the check-out cart even when there is no cost.

  • Bug Fix:

    • Actors are no longer able to reply to CMails in which replies were turned off

    • The Breakdown search filter now correctly filters "Archived Breakdowns" and "All Breakdowns".

Released 11/2/21 

  • There is a new required "confirm" button in the Eco Cast Invitation for Actors

Released 10/28/21 

  • A new "Contact Us" menu item has been added to the header on Actors Access that directs the user to the chat, email form, phone contacts, and FAQ page.

Released 10/4/21 

  • Age Range and Ethnic Appearance no longer display on the Actor's tabbed resume.

  • Listed business hours have been updated on Showfax, Sides Express, and Screenplay Online.

  • Bug Fix:

    • The link to the Breakdown from a scheduled invitation has been fixed.

    • Viewers of one Actor's custom link can no longer access pictures of another Actor by manipulating the url.

    • On Showfax, having 700+ projects in a region will no longer prevent any projects from loading.

    • The rectangular ad now loads correctly on the homepage after logging out.

    • Searching Breakdowns no longer includes archived breakdowns when it shouldn't.

Released 9/22/21 

  • Adds the ability for Casting Directors to send messages to Actors in the Waiting Room or Audition Room of an Eco Cast Live and optionally allow Actors to respond.

Released 8/24/21 

  • On Actors Access registration, the Postal Code is no longer restricted to only US and Canada postal codes.

  • Actors can now re-rotate their printable photos.

  • Bug Fix:

    • Actors Access Plus reminder emails for temporary 13-month subscriptions are now sending correctly.

    • Sorting your list of current Eco Cast Invitations no longer displays the wrong deadlines.

Released 7/27/21 

  • Eco Cast Reminder emails no longer have incorrect capitalizations.

  • The trademark (R) has been removed from the Eco Cast Invitations page

  • The text of the Eco Cast reminder banners has been edited for grammar.

Released 7/20/21 

  • Bug Fix:

    • Actors can now enter + into their resume (like “Disney+” or “Paramount+” and it will remain after saving.

    • While the Casting History links are still being hidden until further notice, when a Talent Representative forwards a CMail, the Talent Representative’s name is no longer turning into the link to the Casting History.

    • On the My Account page, the Advanced Notifications emails can no longer be enabled without regions selected.

    • Actors can once again access archived Eco Cast Self-tape requests with expirations dates prior to Sept 2016.

Released 7/14/21 

  • The label on “Professional Biography/Footer” on the resume has been changed to just “Professional Biography”.

  • The design and layout of the benefits comparison page during registration, the password creation page, the email field during registration, and the header in the new user registration pages have been cleaned up.

  • The links to retrieve/reset your credentials now read “Forgot Your Password?” and “Forgot Your Username?”

  • The user interface of the password reset email and the password reset workflow have been cleaned up.

  • Bug Fix:

    • When a user enters invalid login credentials, they once again see a pop-up telling them their login or password was incorrect.

    • Validation emails sent during registration no longer have an invalid url.

Released 7/7/21 

  • ESL (English as a Second Language) has been moved to its own section within the list of skills.

Released 6/23/21 

  • The layout of the registration process for Actors who have been invited from a schedule notice has been improved.

Released 6/8/21

  • Actors can now turn off email notifications for role matching while still having the regions selected for role matching in the Actors Access App.

  • The correct styling now shows when hovering over the forgot username and forgot password buttons.

  • The Disability option “Asperger’s” has been changed to “Autism Spectrum Disorder”.

  • An Actor’s audition history with a Casting Director is now indicated.

  • An email and banner reminder appear when Eco Cast invitations are due within 72 and 24 hours.

  • Bug Fix:

    • When an Actor uses the media clipping tool on a previously uploaded audio clip, the resulting clip will remain “audio”, not “video”.

    • If the Actor uploads a photo and clicks through the steps without clicking “Apply Changes” the photo now uploads properly.

    • Actors can no longer see old emails in the UCart checkout process.

    • The Actors Access logo now appears correctly on the Upgrade Page.

    • Actors can now use Chrome to download media.

Released 12/3/20

  • A “Test Now” button has been added to test the browser, OS, and connection speed to the Eco Cast Live servers.  This will also signify if the OS or browser is out of date and provides an accurate measurement of their speed.
    • Visible in the Eco Cast Live invitation, on the initial page to join the Waiting Room, in the Waiting Room, and below the Ready/Not Ready toggle.

Released 3/25/20

  • Bug Fix:
    • The Showfax Download button is now working.
    • Clicking “Return to Search” from Order Receipt no longer creates an error.

Released 1/21/20

  • Added Ivory Coast/Côte d'Ivoire to Citizenship options. 
  • Bug Fix:
    • Apostrophe no longer turns to quotation mark in actor names. 

Released 11/7/19    

  • Expiration date field has been updated on Actor's Access Plus payment page.

Released 11/5/19

  • Complete submission button now only appearing when a role is in the cart.
  • Added new jacket and shirt sizes.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Error when clicking on "Breakdowns," from List of Breakdowns fixed.

Released 10/10/19

  • Bug Fix: 
    • Registration loop occurring with some actor IDs has been fixed. 

Released 9/18/19

  • Updates have been made to the Sign-In and Registration buttons. 

Released 9/4/19

  • Bug Fix:
    • Eco Cast playback working now working correctly on iPhone.

Released 8/5/19

  • We Now Include Username in Login Retrieval Email for Password Reset Requests. This will make it easier for our Actor Users to reset their password. 

Released 7/23/19

  • The Extend Membership button has been removed for current App Plus members.
  • Contact information has been updated for Screenplayonline.com.
  • AirCheck links were added to Logged-in Services Menu. 
  • Bug Fix: 
    • Invalid characters will no longer display on Aircheck page.

Released 7/2/19

  • Reset password link has been made more mobile-friendly. 

Released 6/26/19 

  • Eco Cast Confirmation text has been updated.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Issue of footer icons changing when browser is zoomed in has been resolved.

Released 5/15/19

  • Talent Link Resources Links have been added.  
  • Bug Fix:
    • Encoding issues with high resolution photos now resolved.
    • ACTRA verification message has been corrected.  

Released 4/23/19

  • Removed 468x60 from Homepage Responsive Leaderboard.
  • A new warning has been added about not being able to send or edit additional/existing media once the Eco Cast has been submitted. 

Released 4/3/19

  • Text has been updated for Eco Cast Confirmation: "Congratulations! The Casting Director has received your media files and they are able to review your audition."
  •  Any links/icons that direct to the message boards have been removed.  

Released 3/14/19

  • Made improvements to allow better handling of foreign billing addresses. Also removed the "State" requirement when choosing a foreign country.
  • Users will now be able to reverse a declined invitation as long as the invite has not passed the deadline.
  • Updated Sag Number Invalid Message to: "SAG-AFTRA Identification Number and Last Name does not match with SAG-AFTRA membership."   

Released 3/1/19

  • Decoupled the primary email and secondary email recapture process.
  • Removed the ability to submit on archived Breakdowns.   

Released 2/20/19

  • Printing from the Tabbed Resume will now redirect to the Custom Link in order to print.

Released 2/7/19 

  • Added Freshdesk Solutions Links to Actor's Access. 

Released 11/6/18

  • Added ability to generate a Sides report with the following criteria: 
    • Project Title.
    • Casting Director Name.
    • Role Name.
    • SE Username used to access sides.
    • If coded: Code entered.
    • If set to watermark: The performer name entered by user.
    • Time stamp (date, time).

Released 8/7/18

  • Time Zone indicator was added to EcoCast deadlines for clarity. 

Released 7/3/18

  • Added Transgender/Non-binary and Twin/Multiple Options to AA Registration.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Fixed the issue that caused branding being prioritized over certain types of sides.
    • Resolved the issue where Actor Submissions were using the wrong cart system.

Released 6/13/18

  • Bug Fix:
    • Fixed the issue that caused branding being prioritized over certain types of sides.

Released 6/5/18

  • Twin/Multiple check-boxes are now available for Profiles. This checkbox is searchable across all actor searches.

Released 5/30/18 

  • Sides category "Internet Productions,"  now changed to "New Media, Internet Productions."
  • Links in Manage Account in Showfax are now more discernible

Released 5/11/18

  • Bug Fix:
    • Talent Rep codes now working to link the repped profile with the Actor's Access registration. 

Released 5/10/18

  • Bug Fix:
    • Eco Casts forwarded to the actor will no longer prompt a payment. 

Released 2/28/18

  • Sides branding now displayed along the right side of the page. 

Released 2/22/18

  • Sides branding has been added to Showfax and SidesExpress.
  • Cart can now accept Canadian postal codes.

Released 9/11/17

  • Height/weight changes will now carry over to talent reps.

  • Actors are now notified when being removed from a rep’s roster.

  • The region restriction has been removed from the sides search.

Released 6/13/17

  • Reworked Order History to allow easier access to past paid orders.

  • Added a notification to Talent Rep when an actor removes themselves from their roster.

Released 6/8/17

  • Added Breakdown and Role information to forwarded audition notices and Eco Cast invitations.

  • Moved Height and Weight fields to the size card entry page.

Released 6/6/17

  • Added ability to change the order of uploading Eco Cast media.

  • Broke Shoe Size and Jacket Size are now split into two drop-down menus for the size card.

Released 5/25/17

  • Moved union status to top of tabbed resume. 

Released 5/4/17

  • Added ability to upload images and pdf files to an Eco Cast invitation.

Released 4/13/17

  • Bug Fix: 

    •  Issue with special characters preventing Eco Cast cMails to not send has been fixed.

    •  SlateShot now uploading with a period in the file name.

Released 2/9/17

  • Declining an audition or requesting a time change will now prompt a confirmation window.

Released 1/26/17

  • Option has been added for Breakdown staff to make Open Call Eco Cast uploads free for actors on a per-casting account basis.

Released 1/25/17

  • Transgender check box added to actor profiles.

Released 1/10/17

Released 12/20/16

  • Added copyright text to Breakdowns.

  • Top heading information has been added to forwarded audition notifications.

Released 12/14/16

  • Fixed bug with instructional media on Eco Cast Open Call links.

  • New promotional slides have been added to homepage.

Released 12/06/16

  • Added Watermark to Eco Cast videos.

Released 12/01/16

  • Five file limit in Eco Cast invitations has been removed.

Released 11/17/16

  • Bug Fix: 

    • Issue with uploading media to a retake Eco Cast has been resolved.

Released 11/10/16

  • Submitted photo added to audition notice when forwarded to actor by talent rep through the site.

Released 10/27/16

  • Eco Cast Invitations forwarded by the rep to Actors Access are now free to upload and transmit.

Released 10/13/16

Released 10/6/16

  • Agent/Manager Name field has been added to Representation Request form.

Released 9/28/16

  • Protections against duplicate names in the registration process have enhanced.

  • VCN and the Online Store have been removed from breakdownservices.com.

Released 9/13/16 

  • Bug Fix:

    • Issue regarding listed recipient of forwarded Eco Cast invitations has been fixed.

Released 9/9/16

  • Updated contact information for Vancouver office.

  • Bug Fix:

    • Notifications issue when Talent Reps forward Eco Cast auditions to Casting now resolved.

Released 9/6/16

  • How-to on the following items available here.

    • Option to include notes with an Eco Cast submission added.

    • Option to rename Eco Cast media added.

  • A number of bugs in Eco Cast fixed.

Released 8/16/16

  • How-to on the following items available here.

    • Role cart and Media cart merged into one Universal Cart.

    • Order History added.

  • Approval process for photos removed.

Released 8/9/16

  • Ability to respond to a request for a Size Card  has been added. How-to available here.

Released 8/4/16

  • Bug Fix: 

    • Entering Actor ID number issue when registering has been fixed.

Released 8/3/16

  • Schedules forwarded by a rep has been added to list of schedules on Actors Access.

  • Eco Cast invitation list is now sorted with earliest deadline at the top.

  • Bug Fix:

    • Performance media description text now fixed.

    • Issue sending Size Cards now resolved.

Released 7/14/16

  • 6-month reminder to update Size Card now added.

  • EMC (Equity Membership Candidate) union has been added to actor profiles

Released 6/21/16

  • Changed “Primary Photo,” labels to “Default Photo.”

Released 5/17/16

  • Bug Fix:

    • Apostrophe issue in Skills Field is now fixed.

    • Saving the original video after clipping a reel into clips now fixed.

Released 5/3/16

  • How-to on the following items available here.

    • Default region filter added to Breakdowns list.

    • Ability to download Performance Media added.

    • Option to change usernames added.

  • All listed prices have been edited to indicate they are in US Dollars.

  • Some missing sizes now added to the “Children’s Sizes” in the size card.

  • Indicator added when Casting has removed the actor from a schedule added to schedules pages.

Released 4/12/15

  • Option to hide your custom link now added.  How-to available here.

  • The electronic submissions column was removed from the list of Breakdowns.

  • The map page when browsing Breakdowns was replaced with a list of regions.

Released 3/22/16

  • Bug Fix:

    •  Notifications about auditions was fixed.

    • Eco Cast invitation deadline issues was resolved.

Released 2/3/16

  • How-to on the following item available here.

    • Option to edit existing Performance Videos into clips added.

  • Bug Fix:

    •  Upload limits in Eco Cast invitations issue resolved.

Released 1/12/16

  • Ability to rotate Printable Photos was added.

  • cMail Notification emails are now sent on a one-to-one basis, regardless of the “read” status of previous cMail messages.

Released 12/8/15

  • Audition Schedule status “Unavailable” has been changed to “Unavailable for Audition”.

  • ID number field for ACTRA Apprentice now added to your profile.

Released 11/6/15

  • ID number fields for ACTRA and SAG/AFTRA added to your profile.

  • Basic cMail messages can now be maeked as “unread."

  • Bug fix:

    •  Registration loop no longer occurs.

Released 10/15/15

  • Now able to include Size Card in submissions. How-to available here.

  • Ability to email your Size Card added.

  • Option to share a Breakdown on Facebook or Twitter. How-to available here.

Released 8/25/15

  • Ability to upload audio clips has been added. How-to available here.

  • Refinements made to “Coogan’s Law” and “Work Permit” fields for minors in your profile.

  • Ability to change a “confirmed” audition to “declined” now added.

  • Actors Access homepage has been redesigned.

Released 7/14/15

  • Process for resetting the email address on your account has been implemented.

  • Video uploader on Eco Cast improved to automatically rotate sideways and upside-down videos.

  • Ability to review submitted Eco Cast videos after the deadline has passed added.

Released 6/24/15

  • Option to edit Performance Videos into clips when you upload them added.

Released 3/31/15

  • Ability to upload Performance Videos directly to your account added.

  • Refinements have been made to header links.

Released 3/17/15

  • SlateShot player has been replaced with an HTML5 player.
  • Link to original Breakdown now added to Eco Cast invitations.
  • Role name and Breakdown title have been added to the Eco Cast video uploader.

Released 2/18/15

  • Video encoding services now changed to AWS

  • Rules regarding which profile fields are shared between actor and representatives have been refined.

Released 1/27/15

Released 12/16/14

  • Eco Cast video uploader has been replaced.

Released 11/4/14

  • Ability to renew Showfax subscription added to My Account page.

Released 8/13/14

  • AABP added to union options for actors’ profiles.

Released 3/11/14

  • Photo upload size limit has been increased to 20mb.

Released 2/18/14

  • Photo uploader has been replaced and improved.

Released 1/28/14

  • Option to change your name has been added to the “About Me” profile page.

Released 1/8/14

  • SlateShots now added to tabbed resumes.

  • Current and Archived schedules and Eco Cast invitations have been reorganized under new “Auditions” menu.

Released 12/3/13

  • SlateShots now added to one-page resumes.

Released 9/24/13

  • Username recovery has been expanded to send up to 4 usernames associated with one email address.

  • “Edit Thumbnail” ability now added to photo management. 

Released 9/4/13

Released 7/23/13

  • Size Card fields now added to profile entry pages.

Released 6/12/13

  • SlateShots have been added to Profiles.

  • Shopping cart revised for checking out Photo and SlateShot uploads.

Released 5/20/13

  • Fields regarding disabilities have been added to profile.

  • Photo Management page has been revamped.

  • Photo upload size limit now increased to 20mb.

Released 3/19/13

  • Option to change gender now added to profile.

Released 2/27/13

  • New shopping cart introduced for checking out multiple Photos at one time.

Released 12/11/12

  • “Add Representation” feature has been added to the “Manage Representation” page.

Released 11/13/12

  • “Add Representation” feature has been added to the “Manage Representation” page.

  • Option to remove and restore Performance Videos now added to “Manage Video” page.

  • Bug Fix: 

    • Issue regarding quotes in video titles has been fixed.

Released 8/21/12

  • Drag and Drop added to re-order Performance Videos.

  • Bug Fix:

    • New account registration issue has been resolved.  

Released 7/24/12

  •  “SAG” and “AFTRA” unions now merged to “SAG-AFTRA”.

Released 6/26/12

  • Google Ads have been implemented across all sites.

Released 4/25/12

  • Bug Fix:

    • Phone number formatting issue now resolved.

    • Unread message count discrepancy has been fixed.

Released 9/7/11

  • Height options have been increased to 8’0”.
  • Eco Cast uploader improved to use Zencoder encoding and Amazon Cloud storage.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Issue regarding listed recipient of forwarded Eco Cast invitations has been fixed.