Casting Directors schedule auditions through their Breakdown Express accounts. Their tools allow them to not only set up the schedules but also notify Actors of scheduled in-person auditions through cMail and send Actors required sides or other audition material.

Respond to an Audition Request through CMail

1) Go to your CMail inbox and click on the notification.  



This will bring up your in-person audition invitation. Your invitation will include all relevant information such as the date/time of your audition, the location address, and any special instructions. If the Casting Director chooses to include them, you will see the sides and audition material at the bottom of your invitation.

Depending on the security features used by Casting, you may not be able to access your Sides or audition materials until you confirm your audition. To gain access to your material, click on the Confirm button at the bottom of the invitation.

Once Confirmed, you will be able to click on the red icons to view your sides and audition material. If you have confirmed and have suddenly become unavailable, you can simply click on the Reschedule or Unavailable buttons to change your status at any time.

Please note that security features are available to Casting Directors that may impact your sides and material. Files may appear automatically watermarked with your name when viewed, and some material may only be viewable within your Actors Access account if the Casting Director has chosen to disable download and print options. You will be able to see what security features have been enabled underneath the name of each file.

2) In addition to Confirming your attendance, you can also respond to your audition by clicking on the Unavailable or Reschedule buttons. 

When selecting Unavailable or Reschedule, you will be prompted to leave a note for Casting to let them know the reason you are unable to attend your assigned audition time. Once you have sent your message to the Casting Director, your status will update on your invitation.

Please note, if the Casting Director has enabled the security feature to deny access to sides and audition material until the Actor has Confirmed, it will not be accessible if  Reschedule or Unavailable are selected.

  • Use the Unavailable button if you are unable to make the audition. If you do not decline the audition, Casting will assume you are attending and will not be able to schedule an available Actor in that time slot.

  • Use the Reschedule option if you would like to request a different audition time. Be sure to include your available times when requesting a new audition time. Be aware that Casting is not always able to fulfill requests for a new time. If you ask for a reschedule they may simply fill the slot with another Actor.

Your note will also be sent to Casting, where they will be able to view it directly on their schedule.

3) You can view current and past in-person auditions in the AUDITIONS section of your account. Just click on AUDITIONS in your main toolbar. You can filter your auditions by Type and/or Status or Search for your auditions by keyword or Date Range. In addition to the audition type, project name, role name, and Casting Director, this page also alerts you if an audition is upcoming and the exact time of the audition or audition deadline.



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